Monday, September 22, 2008

Ohhh Boy

I am in severe need of a mental health day. My brain feels so exhausted. I'm trying to find books to build my inventory. I need to find models for the clothes so I can do a shoot and get that over with. On top of taking care of my family and home. On top of saying I would start going to Weight Watchers meetings with my Mother-In-Law. The cat got locked in what will be my youngest daughters room and pooed on the floor. Thank goodness that's being replaced anyways. Oh and I'm obviously still a student. I can't seem to not get a B. Most would think that a B is good but I don't and my Mother doesn't. She says I need to study more but it's difficult with so much on my plate.

I feel like I'm going crazy and my brain is falling to mush. and I seriously don't have time to write that much right now. No matter how much I want to.

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