Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Takin' a Breather

Okay.. So, my Husband got another job.. In a place he worked like 2 years ago. It was the best job oportunity for him right now. He had to take a slight pay cut but I think we'll be okay. I'm doing the whole selling book thing but I'm pretty much just breaking even. I've also been ponding the thought of giving beginners piano lessons to make a little extra cash. It's something I've just been rolling around in my head the past couple days. I have no idea where to start. I took lessons for 7 years and I was damn good if I may say so. My Mom suggested I call my old teacher and ask her some questions about starting it up. Plus, I have to price out music and try and get students.. Should be interesting if I do it.

Otherwise, not much else goin' on here. Nothing new anyways..

We're just able to breathe now that we know we will be having some cash coming in.

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