Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The List Keeps Building.

I'm so totally tired it's unreal. I offically added another job title to my list today. Business Owner. I've got my Amazon shop up and running. Troutman Books & Beyond. I have already made some sales so I've been running around buying up those bubble envelopes and labels and all that jazz.. I've made a list of a bunch of stuff I have to get. Thank goodness for my Mom too. She gave me a few helpful tips. Bless her soul.

I've been so busy with everything and it's pissing me off cause I'm starting to not be able to sleep again. Which scares the shiz out of me to be completely honest. I need unchemicalized sleep or my brain just goes all wacky.

I'm losing weight on the Weight Watches.. Well, I technically only did the counting points thing for like a week. Once I got the jist of it I started eating way more veggies and getting more exercise. And it's just sheddin' off. Which makes me happy. I'm offically back down to pre pregnant with 1st Baby Girl weight. YaY!!

Whatever.. I need to try and go to bed.

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