Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I've had blogs before and I usually end up with a few readers based on the things I talk about and other people's search criteria. Therefore, I will start out with saying a few things about me. My name is Liz.. That is the only name anyone will ever see mentioned in this blog. I am 24, a wife and a Mommy of two adorable girls. I will never post pictures of my family on here. Specially my daughters. So, do not even ask. I am very protective. I am a student. Studying business. I plan to own my own book store. I'm constantly reading.

Many people will not like the things that I write about. Many things I write about are considered controversial. I talk about religions. Lack of religion. Witchcraft..(I am a practicing witch) Eating disorders.. Mental disorders...these are a few big things that I do discuss often. I have struggled with an eating disorder most of my life. It is not active right now but anyone who's ever had an eating disorder knows that it's a daily battle. If you are one of the people that does not like what I talk about or does not like my "attitude" please feel free to piss off... I am doing this for me, not you.

On the lighter side I will probably discuss books, music, movies.. I'll probably ramble about my classes and my home. I am slightly OCD. I am constantly cleaning. Constantly worried about my one year old getting dirty feet on the floor, there not being enough clean dishes. I do laundry 2-3 times a week for a family of four?? One of which is a 8 week old. A rational person would say that this is un-needed. To me, it is very much needed. I am constantly striving to be perfection. I cook, clean.. I am a secretary for my Husband. I am obsessed with getting all A's (which I wasn't always). I am obsessed with order. I get angry if things are not in their place. I am constantly picking up my one year olds toys and books. She totally takes after me in the sense that she LOVES to read and she LOVES books.. I've got about 12 books on save on Amazon. I love Amazon. I love all bargin shopping actually. Overstock has become my favorite website ever! Can you tell that I may slightly be a little A.D.D also? I am scatter brained and I go quickly from one subject to another.
I have a hard time making up my mind and it's constantly changing.

Anyways, I have things I need to do before the girls get up and my Husband gets home.

I apologize for any spelling errors..

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Yahooo for my lovely, beautimus, slightly anal, scatterbrained lil sis having a blog!!! You rock & I luv you!!!